What is a Wirehouse Advisor?
The concept of investing money can have its origins traced back to 1700 B.C. when the original legal framework for investing was first created. The way we invest has changed and the rules have become a bit more complex, but the concept of investing money to make a profit has not changed in over 3,700 years.
When you work with the financial advisor recruiters Scottsdale professionals trust, you will hear a lot of industry terms that sound familiar. But one term you will hear may not be as familiar as the others. At some point in your discussions about investing, you will hear the term "wirehouse advisor" mentioned and you may or may not be familiar with it.
What is a Wirehouse?
In the early days of American investing, communication was critical. As communication moved from written letters transported on horseback to signals sent across a wire, timing suddenly became very important. The telegraph wire allowed investment firms to share information quickly, and that meant that every investment firm had to have its own dedicated telegraph and telephone wires if it wanted to get its trades in before the other investment houses.
If you were to walk past an investment house back in the days when the telegraph and telephone worked side by side, you would start to think that the investment office looked like a wirehouse. After a while, the investment brokers who worked in these wirehouses became known as wirehouse advisors.
The Advent Of Wireless Communication
When you talk to the financial advisor recruiting firm Scottsdale investment professional turn to, you will not be able to find a job manning a telegraph wire in an investment house. The advent of wireless communication stripped away the wires, and the evolution of the Internet changed the investing world forever.
Thanks to the Internet, people can now choose to work through a brokerage house, or they can decide to invest on their own. Experienced investors may feel comfortable utilizing Internet resources, but people who want to get the most from their money still rely on the professional expertise of a good financial advisor. The way we communicate has changed the investment world, but it hasn't changed the vocabulary that investment professionals use.
Wirehouse Advisors Are Still Prominent
A full-service investment broker who works for a full-service agency is still referred to as a wirehouse advisor. These are experienced professionals who offer a wide variety of financial services and who work hard to help clients meet their financial goals. The wires may be gone, but the advisors are still hard at work each and every day.
The next time you start talking to a financial services recruiter about the jobs available in the Scottsdale area, you should spend some time discussing the availability of wirehouse advisor jobs. The Internet has given customers the option of no longer having personal contact with their investment advisor and many customers choose to do their investments on their own. But there is a great deal of satisfaction that comes form guiding customers towards their financial goals by being able to use the comprehensive tools available as a wirehouse advisor.
Labels: career, employment, financial advisor recruiters Scottsdale, financial advisor recruiting firm Scottsdale, job, wirehouse advisor, work